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Christian Borgelt's Web Pages

Slides for Talks

Tutorial IDA Symposium 2007

Slides of my graphical models tutorial at the IDA Symposium 2007, September 6, 2007, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (146 slides).

ida_07.pdf (516 kb) PDF, one slide per page (500 kb) postscript, four slides per page

On Canonical Forms for Frequent Graph Mining

Slides of my invited talk at the Workshop on Mining Graphs, Trees, and Sequences (MGTS 2005 at ECML/PKDD 2005, Porto, Portugal), October 7, 2005.

mgts_05.pdf (260 kb) PDF, one slide per page (171 kb) postscript, four slides per page

MoSS (software)

ACAI School 2005

Slides of my graphical models lecture at the ACAI School 2005, June 28, 2005, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (69 slides).

acai_05.pdf (326 kb) PDF, one slide per page (217 kb) postscript, four slides per page

Video of the lecture (at

IDA Spring School 2001

Extended set of slides of my graphical models lecture at the IDA Spring School 2001, March 29, 2001, University of Palermo, Italy.

ida_01.pdf (439 kb) PDF, one slide per page (363 kb) postscript, four slides per page

BISC Seminar 2000

Slides of my BISC Seminar talk on possibilistic graphical models, May 2, 2000, 320 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley, CA, USA (59 slides).

bisc_00.pdf (316 kb) PDF, one slide per page (241 kb) postscript, four slides per page