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Christian Borgelt's Web Pages

Hamster - A Programming Contest Environment

Download (69 kb) GNU/Linux executables (179 kb) Windows executables (137 kb) C sources, version 1.9 (2018.10.18)
hamster.tar.gz (114 kb)


Hamster is an environment for a programming contest. The task is to control a hamster that runs around in a maze and collects corn.

Hamster screenshot

This contest was first offered in WS 1997/1998 and SS 1998 with C as the programming language for the students of the lecture Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse).
(contest page in German)

The contest was offered in WS 1998/1999 and SS 1999 with Eiffel as the programming language for the students of the lecture Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Doz. Dr. Maritta Heisel).
(contest page in German)