I am sorry that there is no detailed documentation yet. Below you can find a brief explanation of how to train a multilayer perceptron with the program mlpt, how to execute a trained network on new data with the program mlpx, and how to do a sensitivity analysis of a trained network with the program mlps. For a list of options, call the programs without any arguments.
In the directory mlp/ex in the source package you can find training pattern sets for two simple logical functions (and / exclusive or) and for the well-known iris data (measurements of the sepal length / width and the petal length / width of three types of iris flowers). How to train neural networks for these examples is discussed below.
Christian Borgelt
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As a first example let us take a look at the very simple problem of training a perceptron so that it computes the logical and. The training patterns for the mlpt program are stored in the file and.pat, which looks like this:
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
The first two columns state the input values, the third column states the corresponding output value. To train a multilayer perceptron for the logical and, type
mlpt -M and.pat and.net
This will train a perceptron with two input neurons, one output neuron and no hidden neurons for 1000 epochs. The option -M tells the program that the input is a pure numerical matrix and not a real data table with column names (see below). You need not specify the number of inputs/outputs, because by default the program assumes that there is only one output, which is in the last column, while all other columns are inputs. The program also assumes by default that there is no hidden layer.
The trained network will be written to the file and.net, which looks like this:
units = 2, 1; scales = [0.5, 2], [0.5, 2]; weights = {{ 2.83695, 2.83693, -2.83692 }}; ranges = [0, 1];
The line starting with units lists the number of neurons in the different layers, starting with the input layer and ending with the output layer. As you can see, there is no hidden layer in this network.
The next lines specifies linear transformations to be applied to the input values to normalize them to expected value 0 and standard deviation 1 (computed as the square root of the maximum likelihood estimate for the variance). There is one pair of values for each input neuron. The first value is an offset that is subtracted from the input value, the second a factor by which the result (input minus offset) is multiplied.
After the keyword weights the weights of the neurons are listed. Since in this network we only have one neuron having weights (namely the output neuron; the input neurons do not do any real work), we have only three weights: the weights of the two connection from the input neurons and the bias value (in this order).
The last line specifies the range of values of the output neuron. This range was computed from the training patterns and it is [0, 1], because we are dealing with a logical function. Note that if the range(s) of values of the output(s) column in the training data differ(s) from [0, 1] (the range of values of the logistic function), a linear transformation is applied to the output of each output neuron to map the interval [0, 1] to the range of values that was found in the training pattern set.
The perceptron trained above actually computes the logical and, as you can verify by typing
mlpx and.net and.pat and.out
This will compute the sum of squared errors (sse), the mean squared error (mse, mean over training patterns), and the root of the mean squared error (rmse) for the training patterns, which are (for the network above)
sse : 0.00919446 mse : 0.00229861 rmse: 0.0479439
In addition, since an output file was specified, an extended pattern file will be written to the file and.out. It looks like this:
0 0 0 0.000201242 1 0 0 0.0553624 0 1 0 0.0553603 1 1 1 0.944641
That is, the set of training patterns has been extended by a fourth column, which contains the output of the perceptron for the input patterns specified by the values in the first two columns. Of course, due to the sigmoid function, the result is not perfect (the values produced are not exactly 0 and 1), but the approximation is good enough.
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An equally simple approach as studied above for the logical and does not work for the exclusive or, i.e., for the input file xor.pat, which looks like this
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
Training a multilayer perceptron for this problem with
mlpt -M xor.pat xor.net
yields a network looking like this
units = 2, 1; scales = [0.5, 2], [0.5, 2]; weights = {{ 0.000318987, -0.00412534, 0.00176216 }}; ranges = [0, 1];
This network does not solve the problem, as can be seen from the fact that the error measures are
sse : 1.00001 mse : 0.250001 rmse: 0.500001
as well as from the output, produced, for instance, with
mlpx xor.net xor.pat xor.out
which looks like this
0 0 0 0.501392 1 0 1 0.501552 0 1 1 0.499329 1 1 0 0.499489
That is, no distinction is made between the training patterns. Of course, this is due to the fact that a simple perceptron can solve only linearly separable problems and the exclusive or is, obviously, not linearly separable. To solve this problem, we need a network with a hidden layer.
One or more hidden layers can be added to the network with the option -c followed by a colon-separated list of integer numbers. Each of these numbers specifies the number of neurons in a hidden layer. That is, -c2 adds a single hidden layer with 2 neurons, -c5:3 adds two hidden layers, one with 5 neurons and one with 3 neurons. The layers are assumed to be ordered from the input layer towards the output layer.
For the exclusive or problem, a hidden layer with 2 neurons is needed, hence you should type
mlpt -M -c2 -e5000 xor.pat xor.net
The option -e5000 increases the number of training epochs from 1000 (the default) to 5000, because it is often the case that the exclusive or problem is not solved in 1000 epochs. Note that you may combine the two options into -c2e5000.
The result is a network like this:
units = 2, 2, 1; scales = [0.5, 2], [0.5, 2]; weights = {{ 3.44362, -3.44365, 3.21714 }, { 3.52177, -3.52182, -3.55384 }}, {{ -6.89205, 7.1604, 3.19169 }}; ranges = [0, 1];
Here we have three numbers in the list of units, since we added a hidden layer with two neurons. The list of weights is expanded accordingly. We have two layers of neurons (outer curly braces), the first of which contains two neurons having three weights each (the inner curly braces group the weights per neuron), the second having only one neuron (the output neuron), also with three weights. As above, the first numbers in each group are the weights of the connection to the predecessor neurons, whereas the last number is the bias value.
The performance of this network, measured with
mlpx xor.net xor.pat xor.out
sse : 0.00642475 mse : 0.00160619 rmse: 0.0400773
and the output file looks like this:
0 0 0 0.0378462 1 0 1 0.962613 0 1 1 0.953499 1 1 0 0.037846
That is, the problem was actually solved.
5000 epochs may appear to be a lot for such a simple problem. However, this is due to the fact that the mlpt program uses standard backpropagation by default. A faster solution can be achieved by adding a momentum term with
mlpt -M -c2 -m0.9 xor.pat xor.net
This sets the momentum factor to 0.9 and thus the program reaches a satisfactory solution in a few hundred epochs. (Note again that the two options may be combined into -c2m0.9.)
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Let us now take a look at the more complex problem of training a multilayer perceptron for the iris data. To train such a network, type
mlpt -M -c3 -U3 iris.pat iris.net
The -c3 adds a hidden layer with 3 neurons, just as described above. The -U3 states that there should be three output neurons, one neuron for each of the three classes of iris flowers. (Note that the file with the training patterns has seven columns, the first four of which state the input values, while the last three code the class with a 1-in-n code.)
The resulting network looks like this
units = 4, 3, 3; scales = [5.84333, 1.21168], [3.05733, 2.30197], [3.758, 0.568374], [1.19933, 1.31632]; weights = {{ 0.878782, -1.11655, 1.753, 1.93157, 2.34027 }, { -1.16471, 1.76549, -2.04974, -2.99973, -2.84079 }, { -0.727816, -1.62847, 6.83127, 7.75607, -10.1281 }}, {{ -3.61975, 6.45599, -3.85032, -1.43268 }, { 3.21068, -6.26839, -9.754, 1.13484 }, { -0.810291, -3.11402, 9.66869, -3.46732 }}; ranges = [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1];
and it solves the problem fairly well, as can be seen from the measurements computed by
mlpx iris.net iris.pat iris.out
which are
sse : 3.70898 mse : 0.0247265 rmse: 0.157247
Inspecting the output file reveals that only three training patterns are misclassified (if each input pattern is assigned to the class with the largest activation).
Although standard backpropagation training works very well for the iris data, there is a better approach, namely the more flexible resilient backpropagation method. This method can be chosen with the -a option. The list of training methods, from which you may choose with the -a option is:
bkprop standard backpropagation supersab super self-adaptive backpropagation rprop resilient backpropagation quick quick backpropagation manhattan Manhattan training
Hence, to train a multilayer perceptron with resilient backpropagation type
mlpt -M -arprop -k0c3o3 iris.pat iris.net
Note that there is also the additional option -k0. This option specifies that the weights of the network should be updated only once for each epoch, namely after a full traversal of all training patterns. This additional option is necessary, because resilient backpropagation does not work well for online training.
In general the -k option specifies the number of patterns that should be processed before the weights are updated. As already explained above a value of 0 means that the weights are updated only once per epoch (batch training). The default is to update the weights after each training pattern (online training). -k10 means that the weights are updated every 10 training patterns. Hence, with the option -k, a gradual transition between pure online training (update after each training pattern) and pure batch training (update only once per epoch) can be achieved.
Sometimes the problem arises that the initial number of training epochs was chosen too low, so that the trained network is not good enough w.r.t. the given problem. An already trained network may be improved by specifying the file it is contained in as a third argument to the program mlpt. That is, for instance,
mlpt -M -e2000 iris.pat iris.new iris.old
takes the already trained network stored in the file iris.old, trains it for 2000 epochs with the patterns in the file iris.pat, and stores the result in the file iris.new. Note that the options -c, -U, and -w are ignored if an already trained network is given. Note also that the new network file may or may not have the same name as the old one.
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Up to now we always used the option -M to tell the program mlpt that the input is a numerical matrix. Without this option real data tables (with column names etc.) are possible. The main differences are:
Example: The command
mlpt -c2k0 -aquick iris.dom iris.tab iris.net
trains a multilayer perceptron with two hidden neurons for the iris data using resilient backpropagation. The result looks like this:
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- domains --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dom(sepal_length) = IR; dom(sepal_width) = IR; dom(petal_length) = IR; dom(petal_width) = IR; dom(iris_type) = { Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor, Iris-virginica }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- multilayer perceptron --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ mlp(iris_type) = { units = 4, 2, 3; scales = [5.84333, 1.21168], [3.05733, 2.30197], [3.758, 0.568374], [1.19933, 1.31632]; weights = {{ 2.14492, -14.671, 33.8793, 59.3337, 42.8929 }, { 1.02566, 0.814512, -7.29516, -3.16734, 6.34753 }}, {{ -101.809, 36.3122, 1.11674 }, { 15.3094, 19.9228, -24.0699 }, { 13.4884, -60.6794, 12.9485 }}; ranges = [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]; };
This network leads to only one misclassification (0.67%), as can be verified with the command
mlpx iris.net iris.tab
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The program mlps do a sensitivity analysis of a trained network on a given dataset (which may or may not be the dataset the network was trained on). Both programs compute the partial derivative of the outputs w.r.t. to the inputs for each input patterns. By default the maximum of these values for the different output neurons is used to assess how sensitive the outputs react to changes in the inputs. With the option -s the sum over the output units can be used instead of the maximum. The resulting values are summed over all training patterns.
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By changing the makefile, you can activate a table based computation of the logistic activation function of the neurons, which can lead to much lower training times. To compile the programs in this way, activate the line
in the makefile. (The definition of MLP_TABFN does the trick.) The table contains the values of the logistic function for 1024 equidistant points in the range 0 to 16. You may change the argument range or the number of points by adapting the definitions of TABMAX and TABSIZE in the file mlp/src/mlp.c.
It is also possible to compile the programs so that they use the tangens hyperbolicus as the activation function of the neurons. To get this version, activate the line
in the makefile. (The definition of MLP_TANH changes the activation function to tanh.) There is also a table based version of this, which can be activated with
There is a theoretical argument in favor of the tangens hyperbolicus: the output of a neuron is much less likely to be (close to) zero, which is desirable, since an output of zero means that the connection weights to the successor neurons do not get adapted. In practice, however, the logistic function usually leads to better results. I have not completely figured out the reasons for this yet.
Note that the initial weight range and the learning rate are changed to 0.5 and 0.05, respectively, if the tangens hyperbolicus is used. These changes are made to compensate for the different properties of the tangens hyperbolicus compared to the logistic function.
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mlpt/mlpx/mlps - train and execute multilayer perceptrons
copyright © 1996-2016 Christian Borgelt
(MIT license, or more precisely Expat License; to be found in the file mit-license.txt in the directory mlp/doc in the source package of the program, see also opensource.org and wikipedia.org)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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